freq_out is curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff and produced in Oslo by Jana Winderen during the Ultima festival 9th - 16th October 2004.
freq_out is a sound installation consisting of 12 individual sound works. These are presented as one sound installation. The individual soundworks are made on site during the 4 days. The artists are allocated a frequency range and make an unique soundwork within their frequency area.
The artists participating in freq_out are:
Tommi Grönlund/Petteri Nisunen (FIN) Finnbogi Petursson (ISL) Franz Pomassl (AT) BJNilsen (S) Jacob Kirkegaard (DK) Mike Harding (GB) Kent Tankred (S) Jim G. Thirlwell (US) PerMagnus Lindborg (S) Jana Winderen (N) Maia Urstad (N) Brandon LaBelle (US)
Co-produced by Notam, supported by: PNEK, Norsk Kulturråd, The Austrian embassy in Oslo, The Swedish Embassy in Oslo, Ministry of education, science and culture in Iceland, NordScen, Fond for Lyd og Bilde.
FREQ_OUT ORCHESTRA also played at BLÅ on 6th October.