Research residency at the Laboratory of Art and Water together with journalist and photographer Agnès Villette.
The project is initiated by Esam Caen-Cherbourg (Art Academy) invited by Thierry Weyd, Professeur enseignement histoire et théorie, responsable de l'axe Matière et Matériau du Laboratoire de l’art & de l'eau and Camille Prunet, Research Coordinator chez école supérieure d'arts & médias Caen/Cherbourg.
Find a video report for a project to restore the river L’Orne here. It is produced by the Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie and CATER:
Will be recording and working by and in L’Orne by L'ENFERNAY (St Rémy) and l'usine LE CHAMEAU (Condé sur Noireau).
L’Orne seen in infrared: