In the second weekend of the Donau festival, 30 April - 2 May, Touch presents Thomas Ankersmit, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay and Jana Winderen.
Back to the Black Forest – Jana Winderen will be working on site in the Minoritenkirche in Krems by the Danube with this live multichannel audio piece, commissioned by The Danube Festival 2015. She will be working with the acoustics in the church and making a piece specifically for this sound space. Jana has through the years followed several rivers in the world and listened to and recorded the smallest creatures, like the use of sound by underwater insects and fish to protect their habitats and call for mates. Jana has not only travelled far into warm equatorial waters but also to the freezing arctic regions to make underwater recordings of environments often previously unheard by humans. These sounds are not easily available to listen to on site, deep in a river, in a glazier crevasse, deep under the sea ice or on a dying coral reef. Back to the Black Forest will reflect on her experience of the underwater sound environments and her interest in the well-being of underwater ecosystems.