'The River Garbet', Listening and Recording Workshop at CAMP in the Pyrenees

From CAMP Website:
Find it here: campfr.com/course/onsite/108/the-river-garbet-with-jana-winderen

During this five-day landscape exploration, Jana Winderen will lead participants in tracing, listening, and recording in and around the Garbet. With our base at CAMP's facilities on the river's bank, we will record up and down the river, listening and exploring the acoustic environments of the forests, the valleys and the plateaus as the stream flows through them. An optional hike to the Etang Bleu will be followed by listening/recording trips out to the various stages of the river, with locations plotted to allow access for people of all hiking abilities.

We'll listen and record above and below the water's surface, and immerse ourselves (literally, if you want!) in the river's flow - the movement, the speed and depth, the temperature, the smell, the flora and fauna of the banks and riverbed. The weather in mid-October is usually still great, but as summer moves into autumn, the forest prepares for alpine winter, and native animal species bed in for the cold season on the mountain.

We'll spend four full days out in the landscape, both at night and in the day, exploring the river, before we focus on arranging what we've gathered into installations, playbacks and performances back at CAMP's facilities on the final day. Following the workshop, recordings will be collected and curated into a compilation release on CAMP Editions."

See some images here from the last workshop, Listening Arround the Surface, Jana made at CAMP in 2024.