CD – 3 tracks – 50m 11s. 6-panel digipak. Artwork and photography by Jon Wozencroft.
Plus bonus 320kbps .mp3 download – 1 track – 27:26. TO:73DL – Jana Winderen Live in Den Haag, recorded on 25 September 2009 at the TodaysArt 2009 festival. Available only when purchasing Energy Field via Bandcamp.
Armed with four 8011 DPA hydrophones, DPA 4060 omni mics, a Telinga parabolic reflector mic and a Sound Devices 744T digital hard disk recorder, Jana Winderen studies and records wild places which have a particular importance in our understanding of the complexity and fragility of marine ecosystems.
The recordings were made on field trips to the Barents Sea (north of Norway and Russia), Greenland and Norway, deep in crevasses of glaciers, in fjords and in the open ocean. These elemaents are then edited and layered into a powerful descriptive soundscape. The open spaces of Greenland, northern winds, ravens and dogs in an icy landscape provide the setting for these haunting but dynamic pieces. Sounds of crustaceans, fish such as cod, haddock, herring and pollock recorded as they are hunting, calling for a mate or orientating themselves in their environment, are all included in the mix. The result is a powerful, mesmeric journey into the unseen audio world of the frozen north.